2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Genesis 32-33 GW; Matthew 11 GW; Psalms 131 GW
Following Jesus leads to a blessed life.
Before you can follow Jesus, you must place your faith in Him. What that means is trusting His teachings. Once you trust, then you follow. Following defined is “coming or going after or behind; pursuing; attending; imitating; proceeding in the same course.” After you place your faith in Jesus, the blessings come as you pursue Him. The more you chase Him, the more your confidence will grow.
To imitate Jesus, you must get to know Him. The disciples followed Him as He fulfilled His ministry on earth. Reading the scriptures brings us into their story. We learn how Jesus dealt with the storms of life. As you dig into His parables, He teaches you how to love both God and others. As you begin to put His teachings into practice, blessings will begin to overflow. God’s blessings aren’t the same as man’s. His peace is something man can never give. Grace is only possible because of Jesus’s act on the cross. God’s love reflects in His creation.
Believe in the Blessing.
When life is imploding around us, losing faith can happen. When a spouse leaves or a child dies, the pain is unbearable. Unexpected loss of any kind is devastating. Understanding why things happen is beyond our human capacity. During these times, continuing to believe is a choice. We have to choose to follow Jesus, even when we don’t understand. God creates beauty from the ashes of our pain, but only if we give it to Him.
Have faith in Jesus that He is with you, right now, today. Whatever trial you’re facing, He faces with you. Your heartache is His heartache. Lean into Him today, trusting His promises to bring you His blessings of comfort, peace, and joy.

Lord, thank You for Jesus. May all who read this continue to have faith in Him. May we pursue Him today harder and faster than we ever have. Thank You for Your blessings that only come when we keep the faith. Amid turmoil in our lives, let our faith stay strong in You. Help us to follow You wherever You take us. Let Your plan unfold in our lives as we move through this day. In You we trust. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Are you missing Jesus’s blessing because you’ve lost faith?