One-minute read.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5
Along our back fence, square, self-watering planters hold vincas in various colors. Hardy flowers persevere in Virginia’s heat well with plenty of water. Continuous watering keeps their blooms vibrant, but they quickly wither if I forget to check the H20 levels. In the same way, when we stay connected to the living water of Christ, we bloom and flourish, but if we drift away from the vine, it won’t take long for our light to dim and our fruitfulness to cease.
I forgot to water my flowers during a 10-day dry spell in June. Letting the dogs out for a potty break, my eye spotted the withered petals and browning leaves. What once filled the planter now looked shriveled and dead. Grabbing the garden hose and turning the sprinkler head to shower, I watered my plants and prayed they would come back. Their rejuvenation didn’t happen immediately, but when I checked a few hours later, the stems had gained strength, and the flowers stood tall again.
Without a constant connection to God’s word, prayer and supplication, and the watering of the Holy Spirit, we will wither. We can’t withstand dry spells without a solid attachment to the vine; God’s living water strengthens and helps us flourish. Flowers rely on the stems for nutrition to make them bloom; we rely on the Lord’s nourishment to make us fruitful and help us draw others into His garden.
Staying attached to the Lord makes us fruitful.
Lord, thank You for making us fruitful when we abide in You. Please keep us securely attached to the vine as we seek You daily. Nourish our souls and help us draw others into Your garden as we let Your light shine brightly.