No Honor

Two-minute read.

Like snow in summer and like rain in harvest, So honor is not fitting for a fool. 

Proverbs 26:1 

“Honor inappropriate to fools,” begins the commentary on this verse in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary. A smile adorns my face as I think of my week and the “fool” I encountered. When visiting a favorite restaurant, the perfect storm of an unexpected rush, lack of servers, and my long day created an unforeseen issue. The manager handled the situation poorly and got himself into trouble, speaking without thinking and letting his emotions rule his actions. God used the experience in my life to practice grace and, once again, reinforce that I can do hard things.  

My heart aches for the manager because I have done what he did and allowed my emotions to control my actions, creating problems for myself. Thankfully, God’s grace gives me a second chance and will enable me to try and do better the next time. The Lord doesn’t honor fools, but He does give them opportunities to grow, and as His followers, we should do the same. Remembering what Christ did for us, fools in our sin, helps me to let go of my selfish desires and put on the cloak of Jesus. Without Him, I wouldn’t have life and have it in abundance.  

We all encounter fools and act foolishly. Human imperfection leads to bad decisions and emotional responses. Walking with Jesus allows us to learn from our mistakes and try again. As we accept the Lord’s grace, we receive it to share with others, remembering that none of us deserve the forgiveness Christ gave us on the cross.  

Fools don’t receive honor, but they do receive grace. And sometimes, we must extend it, even when we don’t want to do it. What Christ gives, He expects us to share with others. 


Lord, forgive us for acting foolishly. Please help us learn wisdom as we seek You, accept Your grace, and extend it to others. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear our foolish ways, looking to You for wisdom to do better. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Faithful Messenger

Two-minute read.

Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters. 

Proverbs 25:13 

Referring to the refreshing breeze from snow-capped mountains, a snow at harvest brings life to a weary soul. Like a cool drink on a hot day or a cold cloth on a forehead, it instantly brings relief.   Anyone who faithfully relays good news revitalizes the soul and spurs people on their journey.  

Paul, the beloved writer of most of the New Testament, constantly brought good news. Writing from prison, chained to a guard, the apostle faithfully wrote letters of encouragement to the fledgling churches. Thousands of years later, his letters continue to invigorate and strengthen Christ’s followers daily.  

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13  

Ten words from a faithful messenger, found in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, refresh the soul and apply to any situation. Meditating on Paul’s words helps us continue to share the good news with others despite the circumstances we face.    

What is the good news? Christ died for all; He offers salvation to everyone, Jew and Gentile. Through forgiveness of sins, Jesus connects us to our Creator and gives us eternal life. We have everything we need in Him to face the day’s challenges and live life to the fullest. Like a cool breeze on a hot day, the good news of Jesus refreshes the soul and strengthens us for the journey. With Him, we can persevere.    


Lord, thank You for the good news of salvation through Jesus. Please give us opportunities to share Christ with all we meet, becoming faithful messengers like Paul. Let us refresh others with the good news of Jesus. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Satisfied Lips

Two-minute read.

With the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach will be satisfied; He will be satisfied with the product of his lips. 

Proverbs 18:20 

“Words create worlds,” Pastor Mike says all the time. What comes from our mouth determines the harvest. Fruitful, life-giving words produce a bountiful harvest, but critical speech kills the crop. Striving to speak uplifting and encouraging words constantly takes effort and help from the Lord.  

Love fatigue, a term I recently heard from Jon Tyson, a pastor in NYC, describes my current emotional state. As a pastor or anyone trying to follow Jesus, pouring your heart into someone, then having them leave or not appreciate the effort takes a toll. Remaining positive and not letting bitterness take root becomes challenging. “Lord, forgive my hardened heart,” started my journal entry this morning.  

Seeking God helps me keep my heart soft. Sharing my fatigue with Him helps me remember the Cross and Jesus’s selfless actions. “Jesus got frustrated too,” my husband said when I shared my feelings. Keeping the Son in my eyes helps rejuvenate my heart, plow up the hardened soil, and soften it, allowing me to speak uplifting and encouraging words because I want to create worlds that give life to others, not take away from it.  

To create satisfied lips, turn to the Lord for help. Ask Him to soften your heart, remove any bitter roots, and give you uplifting and encouraging words to always speak. No matter what frustrations we face, Jesus faced them too and still chose to give His life for us. In Him, we can find renewal and the ability to live life to the fullest. 


Lord, thank You for helping us overcome love fatigue, softening our hearts, and re-energizing us to fulfill our purpose. Please help us keep the Son in our eyes, remembering what He did for us. Let us not get weary as we follow You. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Don’t Give Up

Two-minute read.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 

Galatians 6:9 

Growing weary happens when we have full schedules, sleepless nights, and a mind that won’t quit. But if we can find ways to stay focused on Christ and let Him determine our paths, we will find the energy to run our race well, not get sidetracked, and complete the divine tasks the Lord gives us. Accomplishing the jobs the Lord assigns us matters the most. Everything else compares to a hamster running on its wheel, going nowhere; he exhausts himself and becomes weary.  

Farmers know it will take months to reap a harvest when they plant their crops. In the same way, we can’t expect immediate results from our work today. I had a handful of followers when I first began writing, but discipline and time have helped it grow. For every bestselling author, they had a day one when no one read anything they wrote. But staying on task and running their race, they eventually reaped the harvest.  

Start your day with the Lord, allowing Him to determine your calendar. Gain strength from God as you let go of your agenda and accept His. Whatever the Creator wants you to do, He gives you the tools. If you feel weary and worn out, deeply dive into your calendar with the Lord and let Him prioritize it. In the long run, you’ll find a lot of the things sucking energy from you need to go. Following God’s agenda will invigorate you, not exhaust you. Don’t let weariness keep you from reaping the harvest the Lord has for you.  


Lord, thank You for giving us the strength to accomplish Your will. Please help us submit our schedule to You, following Your agenda, not ours. Prioritize our days as we seek You, putting You first.  

IJNIP. Amen 

Workers Needed

Two-minute read.

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” 

Matthew 9:37-38 

Jesus, talking to His disciples, seeks to inspire compassion in them.  Judgment comes to all; introducing people to the Savior and helping them develop a relationship with Christ makes for a bountiful harvest—unfortunately, the number of harvesters pales compared to the size of the field.  To engage people in life with Jesus, we must put others before ourselves and go into the field to find them.  

“The days of expecting people to attend church are over,” I told Ron.  Talking about the current statistics on church attendance in the United States, since COVID, once regular attenders didn’t come back.  Many replaced physical church attendance with online viewing, but it doesn’t compare to gathering in a community and worshipping the Lord.  

Unlike the culture of my childhood, where most people attended church, the field no longer comes to us; we must go to it.  “The Forge” movie tells the story of discipleship in today’s world.  Meeting people in the marketplace, forming a non-judgmental relationship with them, and showing them the love of Christ brings in the harvest.  Do what Jesus did: go into the world and love the people you meet.  Strengthen your love muscle; Christ’s light will shine brightly in everything you do. 


Lord, thank You for giving us work to do, loving You and others. Please help us love the people we meet today and every day well. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear their hearts and introduce them to the One who can heal them.  

IJNIP. Amen 

Unfinished Job

Two-minute read.

The sluggard does not plow after the autumn, So he begs during the harvest and has nothing. 

Proverbs 20:4 

“The Forge,” the latest movie from the Kendrick brothers, centers around a nineteen-year-old boy finding his way in the world. At the film’s beginning, he has no direction, spending his days playing basketball and video games with his friends. Living with his single mother, he does not contribute to his upkeep. Things quickly come to a head when Mom feels forced to give him an ultimatum: start paying rent or get out.

No one gets through life without working—people who can work but don’t miss the blessing. Not only does the person miss out on the reward, but the satisfaction of a well-done job builds confidence. Personally, I don’t believe in retirement; nowhere in the scriptures does the good book mention it. Technically, I retired 10 years ago from my career, and now I work for the Lord, seeking His will and accomplishing His purpose. Becoming a writer, I write for Him first and foremost, something I will do until the Lord calls me home.

We reap what we sow, but we must sow to reap. If we do nothing, we receive nothing. God didn’t give us gifts and talents to hide under a rock; He expects us to use them to accomplish His will for our lives. Whatever the Lord calls you to do, He will provide the tools for you. But if you don’t plow the fields, you won’t reap the harvest and will find yourself with nothing. Whatever bounty you want to receive, you must sow the seeds, whether financially, relationally, or spiritually; you must plant the fields to enjoy the harvest.


Lord, thank You for giving us talents to use in our work. Please help us plant the fields so we can reap the harvest. Guide and direct our paths, allowing us to fulfill our purpose and receive the rewards You have for us. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Strength of Oxen

Two-minute read.

Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox. 

Proverbs 14:4 

In our first year of marriage, Ron and I attended a financial management event based on the book, “I Was Broke, Now I’m Not,” by Joseph Sangl.  Using the Biblical imagery of oxen pulling a plow and doing the work for the farmer, Joseph taught about investing, allowing your money to make money for you.  Several years later, Ron and I still search for more oxen to put into our stable.  Empty barns lead to empty bank accounts.  

In today’s world, financial oxen take many forms: retirement accounts, savings accounts, rental properties, insurance policies, stocks, bonds, etc.  Filling your stable with oxen means diversifying the money God gives.  The more oxen you have working for you, the more victory you will have over your finances. 

You can build wealth on spare change, no matter how much money you have. Many banks offer a “round up” savings plan.  When you make purchases, the bank automatically rounds up to the nearest dollar, investing spare change into a savings account.  Over time, the small deposits grow and, with compound interest, multiply.  

Acorns1, a financial app, allows you to do the same thing.  Connecting your bank account to the app lets you round up small change for big rewards.  Over time, the acorn investments grow into an oak tree of savings.  Before you know it, you have an ox making money for you.  Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University2 also teaches sound Biblical financial management.  Fill your barn with oxen, and you will discover a lot of revenue. 


Lord, thank You for teaching us sound financial strategies in Your word. Please help us find ways to fill our barns with oxen and reap the rewards of their work. Give us the tools necessary to follow Your money management plan. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Gathers in Summer

Two-minute read.

He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely, But he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully. 

Proverbs 10:5 

“When opportunity knocks, we gotta be ready to go,”  I told a friend while playing tennis. An unexpected issue at Ron’s work meant we had to take a trip to the beach at the last minute. Everything happened quickly; in less than 24 hours, we pointed the car toward the ocean. Taking advantage of opportunities equals gathering in the summer. We must expect God’s blessings and prepare for them in advance.  

When a farmer plants seeds, he expects them to grow and produce a harvest. Only a fool sleeps through the gathering time, not preparing for the eventual outcome. While the seeds grow, the diligent person prepares his barns for the harvest, which takes work. Then, when the time comes, the farmer reaps his reward as he brings in the crops, fills the storehouse to the rooftop, and provides for himself during the lean times ahead when the fields remain dormant.  

In an industrialized world, we must keep our storehouses clean and our bodies healthy so that when the Lord calls, we can go. You never know when God will interrupt your daily routine with an unexpected blessing, but you can stay ever ready and vigilant for when He does. Then, at a moment’s notice, you can harvest the crop and reap the reward of your diligent effort, not sleeping through the harvest and missing out on the blessing but enjoying it thoroughly. 


Lord, thank You for honoring our diligence with abundant harvests. Please help us stay focused and obedient during the growing period, allowing us to prepare for Your blessings and receive our just rewards. Let us not sleep through the harvest but gather wisely in the summer. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Sowing in Tears 

Two-minute read.

Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. 

Psalm 126:5-6 

Currently, in a season of mourning, today’s verse turns my thoughts to the loss of a precious young lady from an unfortunate accident just months ago. Her mother’s tears as she faces the harsh reality of life without her daughter make my heart ache. Each day, as this new normal begins to take shape, I pray for the Lord’s guidance and direction. And amid heartache, I continue to plant seeds of love and joy to the best of my ability as I seek God for comfort.  

After my nephew’s death, I remember reading today’s verses for the first time. Only months after his passing, it did bring comfort to my heart and make me feel God’s presence in that season of mourning. When we experience life’s hardships, staying focused on the Lord helps us persevere and strive to do His will despite our pain.  

“O Lord, you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reasons.” Jonah 1:14b  

God allows storms into our lives, and only He knows the reason. Trusting the Lord in our struggles takes faith and intention. Grieving can cause doubt and challenge our beliefs, sometimes only holding on to our faith with a thread. But the Lord weeps with us, and He will give us the strength we need to persevere. One day, our mourning will bring shouts of joy when God reveals His glory to us. 


Lord, thank You for comforting us in our heartache and turning our tears into shouts of joy. Please help us hold on when doubts plague our minds and we can’t see the glory that awaits us because of our grief. Please give us the strength to persevere, sowing in tears and reaping joyfully. 

IJNIP. Amen 

Help for the Needy

Two-minute read.

‘When you reap the harvest of your land, moreover, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field nor gather the gleaning of your harvest; you are to leave them for the needy and the alien. I am the Lord your God.’” 

Leviticus 23:22 

God provides for the needy. Poverty exists, and as followers of Christ, we must help those less fortunate than ourselves. The Levitical law instructed workers not to harvest all the wheat, allowing the poor to come through after them, collecting the left-over stalks to nourish them. The book of Ruth illustrates how the Lord’s law provided for the widowed women and eventually led to the Moabite’s marriage to Boaz, placing her in the lineage of Christ. Dutifully, day after day, Ruth gathered grain from Boaz’s fields, working hard and gaining the attention of her kinsman redeemer.   

As Christ’s followers, we must continually search our hearts and ensure we help those less fortunate than us. For us, supporting local missions that help the homeless and international organizations that care for people in third-world countries through financial donations ensures our contributions reach those who need them. In my daily life, when I see a need, I try to meet the need if possible. Overtipping servers allows me to leave stalks in the field for others. Maintaining a soft heart and remaining sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting helps me assist those less fortunate.  

Often, we focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do have. Acknowledging the blessings the Lord gives us helps us share them with others. The things of this world will pass away; we should hold them loosely and not get too attached. Instead, remembering those less fortunate and finding ways to assist them will help us keep things in perspective. 


Lord, thank You for the blessings in our lives; help us share them willingly with others, leaving stalks behind for those less fortunate. Make us sensitive to the needs of others and give us opportunities to assist them when possible.