One-minute read.

Divine vindication brings cheer to the heart. When God rescues us from ourselves or the actions of others, it lightens our souls and brings joy to us. Only the Lord understands the cares we have and how to console us in our despair.
Reading Genesis and the story of Jacob and Esau, I feel bad for the burly older brother when his twin steals his blessing from their father, Isaac. As the story continues and Jacob leaves because of his deceitful actions, the deceptive twin finds himself at the mercy of Laban, the father of Rachel, whom Jacob desperately loves.
The young man readily agrees when Laban promises Jacob, his daughter, in return for seven years of labor. But when the time comes to take Rachel as his wife, Laban deceives Jacob, giving him Leah, the older sister, instead. As a result, Jacob becomes the victim of deception, just like he did to Esau. What goes around comes around, and divine justice comes in mysterious but effective ways. Jacob learned a valuable lesson, which eventually helped restore his relationship with Esau, who forgave him.
God loves us all, and His divine justice brings joy to our hearts. He helps us overcome our sinful ways and become more like Christ. Understanding our souls, the Lord knows exactly what we need to bring cheer to our hearts.
Thank You for knowing our innermost beings and what we need to console our hurting hearts. Please help us give our pain and disappointment to You, allowing You to bring divine vindication and healing to our souls.