One-minute read.

Delighting in the Lord’s commandments gives me peace. Living by God’s principles relieves my pressure. I don’t have to rely on my limited knowledge because I trust in the Lord’s all-knowing sovereignty. The Creator has a 360-degree view of past, present, and future. He knows the ins and outs of every situation, whether we think so or not. And so, when the Lord gives us a command, we can trust it.
For instance, forgiving others frees us from the hurt and pain of the offense, helps us pray for the other party, and maintains peace in our hearts. When a close friend hurt me with her actions, I felt the pain and shed tears over the incident. But because of the Healer’s command to forgive, I began praying for her, which helped me forgive her and gain a new perspective on the situation. Instead of feeling angry, I felt empathy, and God showed me how I could serve and support my friend. The Prince of Peace restored my soul, and His commands greatly delighted me.
God never promised a rose garden, but He did commit to walking with us on life’s journey. We can live abundantly through the Lord and enjoy His blessings as we delight in our Father’s commandments.
Thank You for giving us a guidebook for life, filled with Your commandments, which we can delight in. Please help us obey quickly and receive the blessings of obedience.