One-minute read.

Often, when people don’t understand our actions, they result in persecution. Following Jesus calls us to live counterculturally, like a salmon swimming upstream. People’s defenses cause them to react in hurtful ways.
Soldier mentality, a term author Julia Galef uses to describe people’s thinking, summarizes it well. Instead of seeking truth, people defend their beliefs against what they see as threats. The truth of the gospel threatens non-believers’ perspectives, resulting in persecution.
Jesus experienced this when arrested and persecuted for His teachings. Dubbing Him “King of the Jews,” the people cried for His crucifixion. Beaten and bloodied, the Lord carried His cross and received the punishment He didn’t deserve, Christ forgave His persecutors for “they knew not what they did” (Luke 23:34). Even on the cross, Jesus didn’t show fear, nor let them trouble Him, trusting His Father.
Persecution comes when people don’t understand or want to know. Challenging their beliefs puts them on the defensive and results in poor actions. But by standing firm in the Lord, we will experience His blessing and salvation. Man can do nothing to us when we rely on God’s divine protection and trust His promises.
Stand firm on the Rock today. Have no fear; let nothing trouble you; instead, trust in the Lord’s promises and let Him guide you on the path of righteousness.
Thank You for giving us a firm foundation on which to stand. As we trust in You, let us face persecution with love and grace. Help us live fearlessly and trouble-free as we follow You.