One-minute read.

Understanding our value in the Lord’s eyes helps us speak confidently. With God as our protector, what can man do to us? David, a valiant warrior, faced Goliath confidently because he knew the Lord battled with him (1 Samuel 17). Before every skirmish, the shepherd boy consulted God and didn’t move without his Protector.
Think about the last time you rushed into a situation without consulting the Lord. How did it go? Not well for me. When planning for 2025, I didn’t have any leadings from the Lord, so I made my plan. And God laughed. The Lord changed my trajectory two weeks into the new year and gave me an entirely different path.
Let the Lord help you in whatever you do. Turn to Him for guidance, wait for His leading, then follow God wherever He takes you. Start with the Lord, and you can speak confidently about what’s to come. No matter how the Almighty guides you, He will provide all your needs, protect you from your enemies, and grant you victory.
Thank You for helping us deal with life’s dilemmas. Please guide and direct our paths as we take steps of faith and follow You. Grant us victory over our enemies, as You did David. Let us speak confidently with You as our Helper.