One-minute read.

Fellowship with Jesus starts with confession. Admitting our sinful nature, asking the Lord for forgiveness, and receiving it creates an unbreakable bond. As the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us, we become sensitive to His promptings when we seek God through His word, fellowship with others, prayer, and meditation.
I woke up today sick to my stomach over a relational issue. Opening my Bible and reading my devotions led me to this Scripture:
“It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Phil. 4:7 msg
As I wrote the words out in my journal and confessed to the Lord my part in the situation, the knot in my stomach disappeared, replaced with God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. Christ displaces worry with peace when we confess and give our lives to Him.
Let Jesus cleanse you today. Spend time with Him, confessing your heart and seeking His faithful and just presence amid your struggles. Allow the Lord to give you His peace, doing wonderful things in your life with His miraculous works. Nothing compares to a life centered around Christ, lived wholly for Him.
Thank You for your faithful and just presence in our lives. Please help us rely more on You today and less on ourselves. Guide and direct our steps, take us where You want us to go, and let us share Your light with the world.