One-minute read.

What we focus on determines what we do. If we ruminate on our fears, we will become paralyzed, unable to move. But if we focus on the Lord, we leave our worries behind and trust Him to guide and direct our paths. Man can only do so much to us; God controls the outcome and our journey. We will climb mountains we never thought we would transgress, but we won’t do it alone.
Ron and I’s physical challenge in 2024 meant walking 18 holes of golf, equivalent to 8-10 miles of hills and valleys. When we learned our pastor tackled this fete regularly, it motivated us to do the same. We started slowly, walking nine holes twice a week, then three times, and by the fall, we had made our first attempt.
Playing with friends, we both felt nervous. But we would never know unless we tried. Completing that first 18 holes invigorated us and inspired us to do it repeatedly. Since that day, we have attempted to walk 18 holes once a week. Next year, we will try to do it twice a week. We did it by keeping our eyes on the prize, focusing on the outcome, and trusting the Lord. Instead of letting our fears dictate our actions, we trusted God and made it a reality, just like our pastor.
Keep the Son in your eyes, and the impossible becomes possible. Take your eyes off Him, and you will find yourself floundering. Trust in God. He has your back today and always.
Thank You for giving us a solid foundation to build our faith and life. Please help us accomplish Your will in our lives, guide and direct our steps, and help us become more like Jesus.