2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 94 GW; 1 Kings 21 GW; Mark 2 GW
Thoughts precede actions.
Jesus knows our thoughts. In today’s scripture, Jesus forgives the sins of a paralyzed man, brought by four friends for healing. The men made an opening in the roof to lower their friend to Jesus. When Jesus sees their faith, He forgives them.
But, as usual, religious folks didn’t agree with Jesus’s actions:
“Some experts in Moses’ Teachings were sitting there. They thought, “Why does he talk this way? He’s dishonoring God. Who besides God can forgive sins?” (Mark 2:6 GW)
Jesus knew their thoughts; He knows ours as well. What we think determines what we do. The four men in today’s story thought Jesus could heal their friend; therefore, their actions reflect that belief. But the “experts” thoughts were not in line with God’s. Without them saying a word, Jesus knew what they were thinking.
Manage your mind.
If we let our minds wander, they can go to dark places. In the blink of an eye, our thoughts can get us off track. But we also have the power to choose what we think about each day. Spending time with God will help us align our thoughts with Him. When we do, our actions will reflect our faith.
Meditating on scripture is one of the best ways to think healthy thoughts. When faced with a life situation, find a scripture that addresses it. When I worked in retail, I lived with the fear of layoffs. To manage my thoughts and not allow myself to get off track, I mediated on Phil. 4:19:
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
When my thoughts tried to derail me, this scripture reminded me, God is my provider. He gives me everything I need. Healthy thoughts led to healthy actions.
Manage your thoughts. Fill your mind with God’s word. Let healthy actions come from correct thinking.

Lord, thank You for loving us, the good, bad and ugly. Forgive us for letting our minds get the best of us. Help us manage our minds by filling them with Your promises. Let us recognize any unhealthy thought patterns we have and get rid of them. Instead, help us think healthy thoughts that lead to healthy actions. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What unhealthy thoughts do you need to get rid of today?