2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Kings 20 GW; Mark 1 GW
God’s mercies are new each morning.
Life with Christ is a process. Believing and accepting Jesus into your life is the start of a new adventure. Each day, as you pursue God, He’ll reveal new truths to you. Some realities are more challenging to accept than others.
When I think back over some of the interactions I’ve had in my life, I cringe. Why? Because God shows me my part in the problem. Things God reveals to me, I’ve been quick to judge and wrong about my judgment. My selfishness impacts my relationships. Poor communication harms friendships. When God feels distant, I’m the one who moves away, not Him. The list is endless of the way God’s presence in my life changes me every day. His Spirit within me nudges me daily when I get off track. And each morning, God’s mercies are new:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)
Today is a new beginning.
No matter what the mistakes of yesterday, today is a new day. God forgives you; forgive yourself. Start fresh today.
As a person who is in a lifelong battle of the bulge, each week, I step on the scale. My WW leader taught me this valuable lesson. No matter what the past week entailed, today is another Day One. In other words, each week is the opportunity to wipe the slate clean. But I have to forgive myself for my failings to move forward. If I’m stuck in the past, I can’t move ahead.
Jesus came to give you a new beginning. In Him, you can find new life. Each day is an opportunity to change and become a new creation in Christ. Let the past go, embrace new life with Jesus. Today is Day One.

Lord, thank You for giving us a clean slate every morning. Thank You for a new life in Jesus. Forgive us for not forgiving ourselves. Help us today to accept the mercy You offer and to give ourselves a Day One. Let us release the sins of yesterday, help us overcome them today as Your Spirit guides and directs us. To You goes all the glory. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you need to forgive yourself for today?