One-minute read.

Walk Wisely
He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered.
Proverbs 28:26
In life, we have two perspectives: horizontal and vertical. When we look at life from a horizontal perspective, we have a limited view, relying only on what we can see from our viewpoint. But when including a vertical perspective, we look for what God sees, giving us a broader view and gaining His wisdom. Instead of self-sufficiency, we have God-sufficiency, walking wisely with Him.
My husband showed me a viral video of a single mother baking herself a birthday cake to celebrate the day alone but not wanting her kids to feel sorry for her. The video got thousands and thousands of views as she gleaned support. But then, her ex-husband posted a response video telling the truth: she lost custody of the kids, had an arrest record, owed back child support, wrote fraudulent checks, and stole money. Horizontal views limit our perspective; vertical views give us the whole story.
When we seek the Lord, He opens our eyes to what we can’t see. Instead of the limited story, we get the entire tale. Someone’s hurtful actions come from their pain, something we can’t see. We only see the water’s surface; the Lord knows what lies beneath. When we seek His wisdom, we don’t rely on ourselves; instead, tuning into the Almighty’s heart and walking wisely with Him.
Journaling Questions:
When has relying on your limited perspective caused you trouble?
How has God given you His wisdom in the past?
How can you seek God’s wisdom today?
Lord, thank You for giving us Your wisdom when we seek You. Help us recognize when we have a horizontal perspective and remind us to look for the vertical perspective. Let us walk wisely as we seek You in all we do.