One-minute read.

Righteousness and Peace
And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness, and trust forever.
Isaiah 32:17
God promises to give us a life of righteousness and peace when we follow Him. The Lord wants to bless us, but when we live on our terms, not following God’s commands, we’ll experience hardship. Only when we seek guidance from the Creator can we stay on the right path, which leads to peace.
On vacation, Ron and I had lunch at a restaurant, ordering fried green tomatoes as an appetizer. Unfortunately, the kitchen server delivered them to the wrong table. By the time the waitress realized the mistake, the people at the table had already eaten some, so she comped them the appetizer and ordered us another one.
My flesh immediately got angry, and I stewed on the fact that we had to pay for ours, but they got one free. Preaching to myself, I told myself God can bless whoever He wants. And overreacting did no one any good, trying to bring me back into the Lord’s will, controlling my emotions and not saying anything. When the waitress brought our check, she also comped us the appetizer. Staying focused on God helped me maintain my response, not lash out in anger, and remain on the righteous path, leading to the Lord’s blessing and His peace.
Living a righteous life only happens when we apply God’s word to our lives, seek His wisdom, and discover His peace. Where our human desires will make us doubt our decisions, following the Lord will help us become sure of our walk.
Journaling Questions:
What does a righteous life look like to you?
How can you develop a closer walk with God today?
What area of your life do you feel out of alignment with God’s will?
Lord, thank You for leading us along the path of righteousness. Help us become more confident in following Your guidance as we pursue a closer relationship with You. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the steps you want us to take today and every day.