One-minute read.

Secret heart.
Wisdom from on high gives us guidance in our Earthly affairs. We can’t recognize our sins without the Lord’s help. The Ten Commandments give us a moral compass, illuminating our misdeeds. We wouldn’t know we have anything to confess without God’s laws. Accepting the Lord’s influence helps us acknowledge and confess the transgressions we keep hidden in our secret hearts. In truth, we keep nothing secret from God, even though we think we do.
When I read my Bible in the morning, I get prickles when I have unconfessed sin. Striving to obey God requires me to let Him search my heart. Only then can I peek into the secret places and find the hidden transgressions I haven’t acknowledged. Once I do, I can confess them and heal, finding freedom from the bondage.
Admitting our faults and seeking help strengthens us. What seems like weakness helps us grow stronger. Maintaining a growth mindset, we see failures as opportunities to learn and improve. Following Jesus helps us grow. The more transparent we become with the Lord, the more we blossom as a new creation.
Let God’s wisdom into your life, and find freedom as you recognize and confess sin. Grow each day into the Lord’s perfect design.
Lord, thank You for blessing us with Your wisdom. Help us to humble ourselves before You, accept Your guidance, and apply it to our earthly affairs. Let us discover the sin hidden in our hearts, acknowledge it, and let it go. As we grow and blossom into a new creation, let Your light shine brightly through us to the world. IJNIP. Amen