One-minute read.

Righteous verdict.
David is not excusing his behavior but illustrating the distance between him and God. Sin separates us from our relationship with the Lord and others. Human nature cries out to God for help.
“For I do not understand my actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” Romans 7:15
Paul summed up our humanity well in his letter to the Romans. Even the writer of most of the New Testament struggled against his natural desires. We easily succumb to the things we don’t want to do or don’t do what we want. David knew the difference between right and wrong; only with God’s wisdom could he find a remedy for his sinful heart.
God knows everything; we can’t hide our sins from Him. Knowing that should help you confess to the Lord the areas you need help with. God loves you; nothing can stop Him from caring for you. Honestly, telling the Creator your struggles helps you defeat them. Instead of doing what you don’t want, partnering with God enables you to do what you want: love Him and others well.
Christ draws us into a relationship; sin separates us from it. Following Jesus will help you have strong relationships, not only with God but also with others. Trust Jesus and His promises and live abundantly in Him.
Lord, thank You for Jesus. As we recognize our sin, help us confess it to You and receive Your grace. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the truth in all things. Strengthen our relationships with You and others as we apply Christ’s teachings to our lives, overcoming our poor behavior and responding like Jesus. IJNIP. Amen