2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Zephaniah 1 GW; Psalms 147 GW
Wounds heal.
Injuries to the heart are invisible. Unlike a physical wound, no one can see the devastation. When someone slices their finger, blood immediately appears, indicating a cut. Applying pressure stops the bleeding, allows clotting, forming a scab. The body immediately goes into action, creating new skin to repair the damaged area. Over time, the only sign of the wound, a barely visible scar.
God heals our invisible wounds. Stabs to the heart, felt inward, have no outward sign of harm. Betrayal by someone you trusted, death of a loved one, insensitivity of a friend, rejection by a spouse, all knife strikes which cause deep wounds. Emotional gashes need God’s bandaging. When we give God the pieces of our broken hearts, He bandages them together, making them whole again.
“Lord, give me hope.” I prayed a few weeks ago. No immediate change occurred, but admitting to God how I felt started the healing process. A week later, in the mail, I received a beautiful cross necklace from my uncle, a brave man of God. His handwritten note gave me hope.
Bandages vary.
For my situation, God applied pressure from an unexpected source. Never did I expect hope to come via First Class mail. How God treats our brokenness differs, no two patients are the same. As we follow God, He stops the bleeding. Giving our heavenly Father our pain allows Him to create beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3 NIV).
Stopping the blood flow allows us to sift through the emotions. Taking time to sit in the difficult feelings helps us move through them. Accepting, acknowledging, and investigating them enables God to nurture us. Sorrow and joy work closely together. Without sadness, we wouldn’t know joy.
From the depths of our wounds, God creates new life. Stitching our hearts back together with His love and mercy. Keeping soft, vibrant hearts requires complete dependence on our Creator. Without Him, we can’t overcome the heartaches of this world. With God, we’re conquerors.

Lord, thank You for healing our invisible wounds. Forgive us for trying to hide our hurts from You. Help us trust You with our deepest cuts. Repair our hearts as only You can do. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What hurt do you need to give God today?