2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 38-39 GW; Acts 3 GW
Regular prayer works.
Peter and John prayed daily at 3:00 p.m. Because of their Jewish background, they prayed at 9:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and sunset at the temple. Dedication to prayer brings miracles. As they were entering the temple, Peter and John came upon a man, lame from birth. Every day, the disabled man sat at the temple gate, begging for money. When the beggar saw Peter and John, he asked them for a handout. Peter replied:
“I don’t have any money, but I’ll give you what I do have. Through the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth, walk!” (Acts 3:6 GW)
Because of their dedication to prayer, Peter and John understood the power of Jesus. And they knew how to share what Jesus gave them with others. Regular prayer works because it keeps us in tune with our Creator. Only with Him can miracles happen. If we don’t communicate with the miracle maker, we won’t experience extraordinary events.
God makes miracles.
Events contrary to ordinary things, or deviation from the known laws of nature, a supernatural event define miracles. Indeed, one of the most extraordinary works of God I’ve witnessed is the softening of hardened hearts. Restoration of broken relationships is miraculous. Physical miracles are just as mighty. But none of these things can we do without God’s intervention.
First responders experienced a miracle in March of 2015 when they heard the words, “Help me!” coming from inside an overturned car in the Utah river. When they heard the voice, they lifted the car and discovered 18-month-old Lily strapped in her car seat, alive after spending 12 plus hours hanging above the icy river. Her mother was dead, killed on impact; she couldn’t have spoken. But yet the first responders and firefighters all heard someone yelling for help.
Miracles happen every day. God is listening. But if we’re not tuning in to God, we’ll miss the benefits. Daily prayer helps us connect to the work God is doing. Regular prayer results in God’s mighty acts.

Lord, thank You for connecting with us. Forgive us for not making time with You a priority in our lives. Deepen our desire to spend time with you. Help us become more regular in our prayer time with You. Show us Your might works as we do. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you begin praying more regularly?