2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 40 GW; Acts 4 GW
God evokes strong feelings.
Whether you believe in God or not, He inspires passion. Recently, promoting my new book, “Three Word Prayers for Everyday Living,” I advertised on Facebook. The first comment was negative from a non-believer, which then spurred more negativity. However, since the book wasn’t released, none of the commenters read it. God gave me a whole new insight into the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Statistics show, most people don’t read the Bible. However, they have extreme opinions about something they haven’t read. And people have profound emotions about God, whether they believe in Him or not. As Christ-followers, we can’t let people’s negativity stop us from sharing our faith.
Speak boldly.
No matter what the opposition, share God’s love. People exist who live to criticize others. Criticizing people is easier than looking at the plank in their own eyes:
“How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:4 NIV)
We all have planks. If you’re a close personal friend of mine, you know what mine are. Before we point the finger at others, we must first examine ourselves. When we do, we’ll realize we need God’s grace and mercy first and foremost.
When haters hate, give them to God. As I read the negative comments, I prayed for my critics, “Bless them, fix me.” Bringing God into the conversation reminds me, we’re all sinners in need of grace. And God is a controversial topic for many people. Life circumstances cause people to doubt God’s existence. Conversing with an unseen God seems insane to some people, but maybe that’s because they never tried it. I don’t know; I’m not God.
But I do know, God is real. When people are negative, God is your refuge. In Him, find protection from the storm. Don’t let haters stop you from speaking boldly.

Lord, thank You for the firm foundation You provide. Forgive us for succumbing to the negativity of this world. Give us boldness to speak of Your love, grace, and mercy. When people attack, let their efforts roll off our backs. Don’t let us internalize the hatred; fill us with Your love instead. Help us speak boldly always. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Whose negativity do you need to pray for today?