2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Jeremiah 38-40 GW; Hebrews 12 GW
Don’t quit.
Life will make you want to stop trying. Whether you’re struggling with relationship issues, health issues, or financial issues, they can exhaust. Beating your head against a wall gets old quickly. When your efforts seem to no avail, quitting seems like the best option, but it never is.
Job waited for 38 chapters before God spoke to him. After losing everything but his wife, Job sat in his misery and grief for seven days, not saying a word. Surrounded by friends, when they finally spoke, their words weren’t helpful. Finally, God speaks and restores Job’s life. But Job had to go through the dark days. Throughout his pain, Job didn’t sin. His love for God is unfailing.
Hang on for the blessing. Don’t let the tough days discourage you. Remember, our reward is in heaven, not here on earth:
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:14 NIV)
Pain and love comingle.
With love comes pain. Just this morning, I saw a post where a friend lost her beloved pet. Part of owning dogs is understanding; their life span isn’t as long as ours. Quickly, our furry friends become part of the family. When they die, the pain is deep. But if we didn’t have the love, we wouldn’t feel the pain. We can’t avoid one if we’re to have the other.
Whatever pain you’re feeling today, allow yourself to experience the emotion. Sit in your grief and sadness, processing the emotion. Then move through the pain with Jesus. Allow Him to shoulder your hurts, putting on his yoke.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29 NIV)
Instead of quitting, turn to Jesus. Lay your heart open before Him. Tell Him of your pain. Empty yourself of the hurts. Allow God to fill your soul with His love. In God, find the strength to keep going. As you do, your faith will mature.

Lord, thank You for never giving up on us. Forgive us for wanting to quit. Help us persevere through the trials we face. Give us peace in the storm. When we need encouragement, encourage. Help us keep moving towards our heavenly reward. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What area of your life are you struggling not to quit?