2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 21-22 GW; Proverbs 9 GW
Wisdom’s companionship comes from God.
In an ever-changing world, God doesn’t change. Wisdom comes from Him. You always have access to God’s knowledge. Whether or not you access what God has to offer is up to you. Like any other friendship, it takes two to tango.
Nothing irritates me more than a friend who isn’t willing to put effort into our relationship. When I am doing all of the work to maintain a friendship, it’s not a friendship. As my sister-in-law always says, “If you say no enough, people will stop asking.” Make an effort to develop your relationship with God daily; you’ll find an endless supply of His wisdom.
God pursues us, but if we don’t say yes to His offer, we’ll never receive it. We can’t find wisdom if we’re not participating in the relationship. Turning to God is as simple as saying, “God, I need help. Give me your wisdom in this situation.” God is generous with His knowledge.
God is a constant companion.
Wherever you go, there is God. Unlike a friend who constantly says no, God is waiting for you to ask. He can’t wait to impart His gifts to You. But if you don’t seek, you won’t find.
George Washington Carver sought God’s wisdom over the peanut. George asked God to show him why He made the peanut:
He told me, ‘separate the peanut into water, fats, oils, gums, resins, sugars, starches, and amino acids. Then recombine these under My three laws of compatibility, temperature, and pressure. Then, the Lord said, ‘then you will know why I made the peanut! ~ George Washington Carver
George asked; God responded. As a result, Carver came up with over 300 uses for the peanut, God’s wisdom his constant companion.
Seek God, find His wisdom. You’ll never find a more reliable friend

Lord, thank You for Your wisdom. Creator of all, you know all. Forgive us for thinking we know more than You do. Today, help us walk closely with You; as we seek Your wisdom, give us ears to hear the answer. Let us make time for You today to sit quietly with You in Your presence. Give us courage to ask the questions and patience to wait for the answers. We love You, Lord. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What wisdom do you need from God today?