2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 32 GW; John 14 GW
Accept God exists.
Belief is “a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.” Believing in God means having confidence in His existence.
Alcohol is a physical addiction that ruins people’s lives. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a successful 12-step program to help people overcome disease. Step one of Alcoholics Anonymous is admitting you have no control over alcohol. Step Two is Find a Power Greater Than Yourself. Why, after realizing you need help, is belief second?
“This step gives you hope. You are not alone, and something higher than you can help you conquer your addiction and despair.” (Recovery.Org)
When we’re in trouble, we need help. Jesus offers us the assistance that will lead to victory. Believing in Jesus’s existence means you’re not alone. A Power greater than you exists. In Him, you can find peace, no matter what the storm. But first, you have to believe.
You will have trouble.
One of my favorite characteristics of Jesus is His honesty. In His earthly ministry, Jesus told the truth. He didn’t pull punches. John records Jesus’s words:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)
Trouble isn’t something you can avoid; it’s a part of life. Whatever crisis you’re facing, Jesus does have an answer. In Him, you can find peace. To receive Jesus’s calm, you must seek Him. He’s waiting, arms wide open.
Jesus is a gentleman; He doesn’t force His presence on you if you don’t want it. To have, you must seek.

Lord, how thankful we are You exist. You are our Higher Power. Forgive us for not plugging into You more. Help us believe today, Lord. As prayers are lifted to You, answer them in a way, we’ll know You are real. We ask for Your Presence in our lives, today and always. With You, we can find the peace we crave; without You, we have none. As we find Your peace in our own lives, help us spread it to those around us. Together, we can overcome any obstacle. In You, we find our strength. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What is holding you back from believing in God?