2 minute read

Daily Reading: Genesis 7-8 GW; Ephesians 4 GW
Grow with purpose.
God designed you for a specific job. No one else on the planet is capable of completing your task. When we are proactive in our relationship with God and others, we will find our purpose. Each step we take will grow us individually and collectively. We are in a constant state of becoming as we pursue God. He uses everything to mold us and shapes us. Our jobs change as we change.
My husband and I’s first volunteer job together was cleaning the bathrooms at church between services. To this day, filling the mints was my favorite task. As I poured the bite-size candies into their bowls, I prayed for the people who would eat them. Joy would overflow in my heart as I thought of people praying, worshipping, and learning about Jesus, all with fresh breath. Even menial tasks have a kingdom impact. Whatever God is calling you to do, big or small, you will grow as you complete your assignment.
God’s plan for you is to grow.
The reason we are part of a body is because iron sharpens iron:
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens the wits of another.” (Proverbs 27:17 GW)
The people in your life are the ones God uses to help you mature. The annoying family member who makes your skin crawl just thinking about them, Christ died on the cross for them too. Your co-worker, who talks too loud, essential in your growth. Even the stranger on the street is a person God loves. We are to love them as we love others. Healthy relationships require boundaries. Whatever community you find yourself in today, God’s intent is for you to grow within it.

Lord, we are grateful You have a growth plan for our lives. Help us mature into who you created us to become. Whatever job you give us today, let us do it to the best of our ability. Bless our efforts as only You can. Help us live our life to the fullest, today and every day. Only in You can we find our purpose. Illuminate for us how you want us to grow today, doing the job You’ve assigned us to do. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How have you grown from the tasks God gives you?