2 minute read
Daily Reading: Psalms 148 GW; Genesis 1-2 GW, Ephesians 1 GW
Each of the Scripture readings for 2021 is thematic; they all relate to the same topic. As we begin the new year, we start with this promise: Jesus makes you God’s. Before God spoke light into the world, He chose you. His ultimate plan was for us to find a relationship with Him through Jesus. Because we are His creation, God understands our sinful nature. He knew we needed a Savior before He ever turned on the lights, but we have to figure that point out for ourselves.
Each of our souls long for a deeper connection with our Maker. I haven’t met a person yet who wasn’t longing for an intimacy with God, but they often don’t know that’s what they are searching for in life. People have a void only God can fill. God-sized holes need God to fill them.
Jesus makes you God’s.
People often don’t understand what it means to place their faith in Jesus. In simple terms, you believe He lived, He died, and He rose again from death. Jesus had to go through what He went through to create a connection with God for us. Where sin taints our lives, it can’t taint Jesus’s. He bore our sins because it wouldn’t change who He was.
Sin changes us, but it doesn’t change Jesus. He’s not tempted by what tempts us because He is God and man. When Jesus makes you God’s, He removes your sin from you as far as the east is the west (Psalm 103:12 GW).
You will keep sinning, even after life starts anew in Christ. Human nature is sin nature. But each morning, His mercies are new. His love for you never-ending. Place your trust in Him today; let Him begin a new work in you.
Lord, thank You that you created a way for us to connect with You. As we begin this new year, help everyone who reads this know Jesus. Let His presence in their life lead them in the days ahead. As they unburden their souls to Him, fill them with Your Spirit. IJNIP, Amen.
Question for Reflection:
What do you need to lay at Jesus’s feet this morning?