One-minute read.

God cares for us with His rod and staff. Shepherds carry a club to ward off wild animals, while their crook, a long walking stick with a j-like curve, keeps the sheep in control. When one wooly white animal goes astray, others quickly follow, but with the Lord as our Shepherd, He doesn’t allow us to get off course.
Knowing the Lord watches over us should give us peace. We will all walk through the shadow of death, but because of Jesus, we don’t stay there. Speaking at my mother’s funeral on a Friday morning, I will never forget talking about walking through the shadow of her death, a bleak day for me. But also a grace-filled day as I experienced the presence of the Shepherd and felt His guidance in a way like never before, and only because of the valley I walked through.
Thinking about future valleys can cause us to miss today’s victory. Before my mom passed, I would worry how I would ever survive her loss. But I shouldn’t have because the Lord led me through that shadow, gave me strength for the journey, and hope to persevere. Ten years later, I miss my mom, but she’s never left me, alive in my heart and memories, her words still encouraging me when I need them.
Allow the Shepherd to guide you, trusting His rod and staff to comfort you. Fear no evil because the Lord will protect you, no matter what comes your way.
Thank You for protecting us with Your rod and staff, comforting us, and allowing us to rest. Please help us cling to You, never straying, following closely.