One-minute read.

The Message translation of today’s scripture says, “Who would dare lay a hand on me?” (Psalm 118:6b). When I first read it, I felt the power in the words and thought of God’s sovereignty. Who would dare go against Him? Yet many do, blatantly denying His existence and toying with His commands.
When people disobey the Lord, they will suffer the consequences, as we all do when we sin. Lying to people doesn’t build healthy relationships, destroys trust, and creates hard-to-repair division. With Christ as our Savior, we receive salvation from our misdeeds, but people who blatantly deny God’s existence will experience His wrath, which makes me shudder when I think about it.
Faith in Jesus protects us valiantly from the enemy and ourselves. Anyone who dares lay a hand on us will have to deal with the Lord. God protects His children and gives them a haven to find rest. In Him, we have nothing to fear.
As you face today’s mountains, remember who has your back. With the Lord by your side, you have nothing to fear and everything to gain. Allow the Savior to order your steps and lead you to still waters, knowing He walks with you, never letting you go.
Thank You for protecting us and keeping us from harm. Please help us live freely in the shadow of Your wings, not letting fear take hold in our lives.