One-minute read.

Rest for the Weary
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29
After teaching four hours of tennis lessons, my entire body hurts. Coming home, taking off my tennis shoes, and putting my feet up brings relief. My weary bones welcome the soft cushions of the recliner as I rest. God wants us to live in His rest, not carrying our burdens alone. Putting on His yoke, we can relax and let our souls rest in the Lord.
To put on God’s yoke, we must develop a daily discipline of seeking Him. We can’t find His rest if we don’t spend time with Jesus. Establishing a routine helps us wear the Lord’s yoke. Each morning, spending time in the scriptures, allowing God to search our hearts, and laying our burdens at His feet will enable us to put on His yoke, receiving rest for our weary souls.
Like putting up our feet after a hard day’s work, we can let go of the day’s stresses, trusting God will take care of them. Tired souls need the Lord’s rest to persevere on the journey. Renewing our strength by trusting in God’s promises will spur us onward to victory. But our weary souls won’t find rest if we don’t seek the Lord, choosing to put on His yoke.
Make the choice today to put on God’s yoke, trust His promises, and find rest for your weary soul.
God will give you rest if you put on His yoke.
Lord, thank You for giving us rest for our weary souls. Help us put on Your yoke as we seek You, laying our burdens at Your feet. Renew our spirits, give rest to our souls, and help us move forward on the journey, refreshed and energized. Let us learn the lessons You have for us and apply them to our lives, continuing to grow into a new creation. IJNIP. Amen