One-minute read.

Wasting away.
Suffering from lack of repentance causes anguish and separation. Ron and I created a budget for tithing, saving, and spending on our honeymoon. We each have a designated amount we can spend without consulting the other. One month, I dipped into our savings to pay a bill without talking to Ron first. After I did it, I felt horrible, knowing I’d gone against our agreement. When I told my husband, my heart felt lighter, restoring our relationship and becoming right with him again.
The same happens when we try to hide sins from the Lord. Not only did I confess my transgression to Ron, but I also humbled myself before my Maker, learning from my mistake.
Keeping silent about our wrongdoings rots the bones and causes groaning in our hearts. Confessing and receiving the Lord’s grace and mercy restores our souls, strengthens our relationship with Him, and makes us right with our Maker. Everyone falls short; what we do in secret will eventually become public knowledge. Nothing stays hidden forever. Accepting our shortcomings and humbling ourselves before God will renew our spirit and make us whole again.
We receive the Lord’s grace and mercy every time we come before God’s throne with a contrite heart.
Lord, forgive us for our secret sins that rot the bones. Help us take responsibility for our actions, confess our shortcomings to You, and receive Your grace. Guide and direct our paths so that they always come back to You. Give life to our bones as we learn from our mistakes and become right with You. IJNIP. Amen