One minute read.

Daily Reading: Job 12:1-15:35, 1 Cor. 15:29-58, Psalm 39:1-13, Proverbs 21:30-31
Daily Verse: “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord.” Prov. 21:30
Sovereignty of God.
No human plan can win against the Lord. If God doesn’t ordain it, plans won’t succeed. For instance, have you experienced a time when no matter what you do, nothing works?
Sometimes that happens when I’m trying to write. Pulling out my laptop, opening Word and my saved web pages, intent on putting my thoughts to my blog, I get stopped. Word won’t work, the internet doesn’t connect, or the screen freezes when I try to save my blog. Stubborn, I keep trying, and finally, the point hits me, God doesn’t want me writing now, or He doesn’t want me to publish what I wrote.
Eventually, I get the message, delete the words, close my computer, and ask the Lord what He would rather have me doing. Sometimes I nap; other times, I feel compelled to reach out to a friend or do something for my husband. God’s plans succeed where mine fail.
Trust God’s direction; if you seem to hit a dead end in your activity, ask the Lord which way He wants you to go. Trust the Maker’s navigations, knowing in His will; you will always succeed.

Lord, forgive us for trying to force our agenda on You. Help our spirit tune into Your guidance as we move through our day. When we run into a dead end, help us quickly seek Your input into how we should go. IJNIP. Amen