2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 36-38 GW; Revelation 13 GW
God delivers.
Amid war, the Assyrians demand Jerusalem surrender; God rescues his people once again. As I read today’s verse, I thought of the countries within ourselves. Those places where we’re rebelling against God, trying desperately to overcome on our power. But we can only find victory with God on our side.
One of my “countries” I need God’s help destroying is nighttime eating. For whatever reason, I graze throughout the night. Half-awake, I raid the refrigerator for whatever contents appeal to me at the time. Realizing my nighttime visits aren’t helping me maintain a healthy weight, I started praying about attacking this country in my life. God answered.
First, I felt prompted to develop accountability partners. Texting two of my friends, I asked them to help me break this habit. Realizing I need parameters in my life, I created a rule, no eating after dinner until the following day. Fasting nighttime eating, praying every time I felt the urge to nibble brought God into the mix. The first three days were the roughest; late-night texts to my friends got them praying for me. But after a week, victory started to appear as the nighttime cravings began to lessen.
Reap the rewards.
Letting God help you destroy the hostile “countries” within you leads to heavenly rewards. For me, my struggle with indigestion, much better. No longer do I have to carry Tums everywhere I go. My weight stopped increasing and began decreasing. Sleeping through the night, a blessing from above. But only with the Lord by my side could I find victory.
Enemy territory exists within us. Areas of our life where we’re not obedient to God cause upheaval and distress. Instead of finding God’s peace, we experience the consequences of our actions. Thoughts and decisions we made without consulting God. Only when we ask God to join us in the battle will we find His victory.
Take back land within you. Allow God to come alongside you. Let Him deliver you from your temptations.

Lord, thank You for walking beside us. Forgive us for letting enemy territory exist in our lives. Help us gain victory as we partner with You. Deliver us from our temptations, strengthen us in the battle, make us whole once again. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What territory do you need God’s help to reclaim?