2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 32-35 GW; Revelation 12 GW
Energy renews.
Life’s circular experience renews as it goes. Sleep allows our body to rest, recharging the senses to face another day. When we find our refuge in God, no matter what storm rages around us, His peace will reign in us. Hiding in God’s arms means trusting His promises.
“God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;
Though its waters roar and foam,
Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah.”
God provides energy every morning for the day ahead. Filling our lungs with oxygen, the gift of breath comes from our Creator. As long as we’re breathing, God has a purpose for us. Where God guides, He provides. Whatever strength you need, God will give. Become intentional about spending time with God every morning, access His energy for you. Renewal can’t come without connection.
Connect to the charger.
Every night when I go to bed, I plug my phone into charge. While I rest, my external brain gets a break, and its battery becomes full. If we think of God as the electrical outlet and ourselves as the phone, we need to plug into the source to receive the energy. Each new day you have the opportunity to make a fresh connection with your Maker.
When I write in my prayer journal, I confess at least one sin from the previous day, sometimes more. What happens when I cleanse my soul, God renews me with His grace. Knowing God forgives me before I even write the words gives me the courage to repent. Admitting you’ve done something wrong challenges anyone. However, only through submission can we reconnect with God’s sovereignty. Plugging our hearts in for renewal comes with surrender.
Each morning, plug into God. Tell Him your heart, good and bad. Allow Him to renew your strength.

Lord, thank You for providing all we need. Forgive us for not trusting Your promises more. As we seek You today, let us find You. Renew our energy, fill our hearts, help us find the joy that comes only through You. In things, the glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you need to surrender to God today?