2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 1-2 GW; Psalms 146 GW; Revelation 3 GW
Chat with God.
When I was younger, I didn’t want to discuss my imperfections with God. My misperception, I needed to get “clean” before I could approach my Creator. But God doesn’t expect perfection from me; He wants honesty. What the Big Guy knows, and I needed to accept, without Him, I couldn’t become “white as wool.”
Recently, I heard this analogy. If you’re bleeding, do you wait until it stops before going to the emergency room? No, you rush to the hospital for help, knowing you can’t stop the flow yourself.
If we want to overcome our sinful nature, we must go to the right Doctor. Only through Jesus can we become clean. But first, we must confess the mess. Whatever struggles we have, God wants to discuss. Acknowledging our weaknesses to God allows Him to turn them into strengths.
Weakness becomes strength
“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10 NIV)
Begin to understand; our weaknesses are strengths helps us chat honestly with God. Traveling with God, we realize quickly; our past blunders help others avoid the same mistakes. Or change their ways from the path of destruction.
When I counsel someone struggling with financial issues, my story gives them hope. Sharing the poor decisions I made in the past creates a connection. Explaining how inviting God into my problems helped me become debt-free gives them hope. Now, two decades later, my weakness became a strength. I learned managing money takes more than just budgeting. Learning to identify and address the reasons I overspent helped me grow closer to God.
Instead of running from your weaknesses, embrace them. Talk to God about your struggles. Tell your Maker the whole story; leave nothing out. Then watch as God begins to transform you into a new creation.

Lord, thank You for loving us, warts and all. Forgive us for trying to hide our sinful nature from You. Help us learn to embrace our weaknesses, allowing You to transform them into strengths. Draw us into a closer relationship with You as we chat with You today. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What are you holding back from God today?