2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Joel 2-3 GW; Acts 11 GW
God wants you back.
Repeatedly, throughout the pages of scripture, God calls us back to Him. The entire book of Hosea is about returning to God over and over again. No matter how far you’ve strayed from God, He’s waiting for you to come back to Him. Whenever you knock, the door opens:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7 NIV)
God wants you to ask, seek and knock. Patiently, God waits for you to realize, you can’t save yourself. Nor can someone else save you. Only God has the power to give you eternal life through Jesus. All you have to do is turn towards Him. Give God access to your heart, all of it. Bare your soul to Your maker; every hurt you feel lay them at the foot of the cross.
Let go of the pillow.
Our problem is we don’t honestly give our troubles to God. Even when we think we do, we don’t. In my last therapy appointment, we talked about letting go. My therapist used a pillow to illustrate her point. Each of us held opposite ends of the rectangular pad. When she tried to take the pillow from me, I resisted giving it to her. Her point was simple; we’re not giving it to God. When God tries to take our burdens from us, we resist. Just like I wouldn’t let go of the pillow, I don’t honestly give my cares to God.
God wants us to give everything to Him. The more earnestly we seek God, the more we release to Him. Seeking God through fasting and tears is a profound journey. Releasing all of the pain from within our being to the Creator is challenging but healing.
Don’t hold on to the pillow any longer; let God have it. Discover God’s peace that surpasses all understanding when you do.

Lord, thank You for Your unending patience with us. Forgive us for holding onto our pain instead of releasing it to You. Give us the courage to let Your light shine into every corner of our hearts today. Help us release our burdens to You completely. Every day, let us surrender to You again. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you need to surrender to God today?