2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 39 GW; Job 10-12 GW
God wants to hear your complaints.
Job’s relationship with God was intimate. He was willing to tell God how he felt. After losing everything, Job wasn’t a fan of life. Although Job never turned his back on God, he did ask God questions. Job lived his life “right” before the Lord, yet tragedy happened. Why would God allow such heartache to enter into his life? Job wanted to know, and so do we.
When I was single, I felt like Job, but mine was more of a first-world problem. I didn’t like my life because I didn’t have a spouse. Every failed date made me question God. The worst weekend of my lonely life, I had a blind date on Saturday, as well as an online possibility. The date was a bust, and my online friend closed communication. I went from hope to discouragement in 60 seconds flat.
Did I mention Saturday morning, before the bad date and online dumping, I was maid of honor for one of my best friends? Like Job, I hated my life and didn’t know why God wasn’t answering my prayers.
Let God have it.
Seriously, don’t let fear stop you from expressing how you feel to God. He doesn’t expect us to put on airs. People pose in life, but God knows the truth. God isn’t interested in posing; He wants honesty. Releasing feelings and emotions to God allows us to process them in a safe place. God’s healing begins when we give Him our pain.
For years I quarreled with God. Finally, after celebrating my fortieth birthday alone, I surrendered. “God, if Your will means I live life single, I’m good with that.”
A YEAR later, I met the love of my life. We just celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. God’s timetable is different from ours; trust His clock.
Honesty with God is what He wants. God knows He makes you mad. You aren’t telling Him anything He doesn’t already know.

Lord, thank You for loving us completely. Forgive us for trying to hide our feelings from You. Help us today talk to You honestly. Search us and reveal where we aren’t honest with ourselves. Let us tell You how we feel today, knowing, You still love us. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What are you mad at God about today?