2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Samuel 20-22 GW; Psalms 52 GW
Friends inspire action.
Jonathan loved David. They were the best of friends. When Saul threatened David’s life, Jonathan protected him. Jonathan sided with David against his father. As a result, Saul threw his spear at Jonathan, trying to kill him. Jonathan was willing to give his life for his friend. He saved David from Saul’s wrath. Chapter 20 of today’s reading gives you all the details. David’s friendship made Jonathan a better person; he took a stand against his father’s wickedness and saved his friend’s life.
We’ll do things for our friends we won’t do for ourselves. When a friend is in need, we rise to the occasion. Cooking meals, carpooling kids, cleaning houses, mowing lawns, all things we can do for friends who are struggling. Some of my most specials times with friends are in the heat of the battle.
When my friend’s husband was in his last days, we found a Bible study on contentment. I will never forget sitting at her dining room table, studying just a room away from where he lay. Each week he declined more and more. Then one Friday night, I got the call. Would I come help write his obituary? Together we walked through the days and weeks ahead.
Friends strengthen each other.
As my friend and I sought God amid the storm, we found His peace. Going over to her house each week wasn’t easy. Watching my friend die slowly was painful. But together, with God’s strength, we weathered the storm.
Love for others motivates us into action. I couldn’t stop my friend from dying, but I could help his wife continue living. God is clear; our lives are but so long. While we’re on earth, we are to live. Friends make life easier.
Thank God for your friends. Find ways to help them today. Let them bring out the best in you.

Lord, thank You for friends. Thank You for people to share life with today. Forgive us for taking friendships for granted. Help us today to become better friends with the people we love. Like Jonathan, let us go the extra effort. Let our friendships bring our best selves to light. Lead us in the way we should go. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Whose friendship has made you a better person?