2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 21-22 GW; Proverbs 28 GW
Integrity is priceless.
Duplicity, contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action, is double-dealing. In other words, people will say whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. Used car salesmen have a bad rap because they are often duplicite. They know the car is a lemon, but they’ll tell you whatever they need to say to sell it. Not everyone who sells cars double-deals—unfortunately, those who do give the rest a poor reputation.
Not once, in any of Jesus’s teaching, do you see Him double-dealing. In all of His relationships, Jesus led with integrity. In other words, He possessed “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Jesus told the truth; He came to share it with us:
“In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37 NIV)
Following Christ means duplicity is not an option. No matter how tempting the business deal is, if it’s not honest, it’s not good. Everything we do is a reflection of Christ to those around us. Double-dealing is not who Jesus was.
Lead with integrity.
Living like Jesus means leading with integrity. In every relationship, no matter what kind, truth is a necessity. Duplicity and integrity can’t exist together. One has got to go. Don’t waste time telling lies to meet your needs. Instead, follow Jesus’s example and speak the truth in love in all things. When we imitate Jesus in every respect, we mature into the person we are becoming. God has a purpose for your life; it’s an honest one.
Duplicity gets you nowhere. Integrity is the only way. Don’t compromise truth for a quick buck. Instead, trust God for His provision.

Lord, thank You once again for Your example. Thank You for coming so that we would know the truth. Forgive us, Lord, for lying. Forgive us for putting the almighty dollar before the Almighty. Help us live honest lives. Let us lead with integrity today in all we do. When temptation is upon us, help us choose You. Remind us today of what Christ did for us. Let us live in the freedom of truth today and always. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you lead with integrity today?