One-minute read.

Jesus came as a messenger of peace, fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy that the king of Isreal would appear in humility, without pomp and circumstance (Zech. 9:9). If the Lord had come any other way, we wouldn’t have recognized Him as God. The ordinary became extraordinary with Christ.
Referring to the city of Jerusalem, “daughter of Zion,” personifies it. As the people cried out “Hosanna,” the Hebrew expression for “Save now,” Jesus did precisely that, ending Passover week on the cross, then walking out of the tomb three days later, offering salvation for all who follow Him.
People who oppose Christ never find the peace He offers. Living for themselves, bitterness and hatred brew in their hearts as they ponder their plights. With no control over life, they flounder in the darkness, refusing to turn to the light. Only Jesus can save any of us from ourselves. Following His way means denying ours. Life with Christ means picking up our cross, following Him, and becoming more like the Savior as we leave our selfish ways behind.
The Prince of Peace came to save the world. All who come to Him will receive the gift He offers. Not by our might but the Lord’s.
Thank You for the peace You offer. Please help us accept and share it with all we meet. More of You, less of us, as we strive to follow and obey.