One-minute read.

Daniel, praying for Israel’s future, doesn’t receive an immediate answer, refusing to do anything until he knows God’s plan. However, the Lord responded quickly, but evil’s powers hindered God’s messenger from delivering the reply.
The Devil’s minions can try to obstruct the Lord’s angels, but they can’t stop them. We may have to wait longer for the answer, but God’s will does prevail. The Creator’s messengers have no problem defeating the enemy’s ploys, but it does require a battle. Nothing the Devil does can stop the Lord.
When I first read today’s passage, it baffled me. Learning about the delay in God’s response gave me new insight into answered prayers. Sometimes, we get a delayed response for various reasons, but the Lord does respond to every petition. Like Daniel, we must wait until we hear from our Savior before we make a move.
Whatever answer you await, know God will answer. In His time and way, the Lord responds to all our pleas. We may not like the reply, but it will come. Nothing defeats God’s will. Knowing the past, present, and future, the Creator’s story unfolds despite the enemy’s plans to thwart it. In time, like Daniel, we’ll understand the whole story.
Thank You for including us in Your story. Please help us wait well for Your responses to our prayers. Let us honor and serve You wholeheartedly as we participate in Your plan for our lives.