One-minute read.

Security in God defeats people’s best-laid plans. The movie 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 reflects the truth of how women act, even adult ones. Lord knows, I’ve had my share of manipulative individuals in my life, trying to control me with their ploys. But God always saves me from their antics.
Keeping focused on the Savior, making Him a priority in Your life, and striving to live for Jesus helps you avoid the carefully laid plans of people. You may not understand at the time, but hindsight always gives us a 20/20 vision that lets us see how the Lord protected us.
The last “mean girl” experience I had cut me to the core. I left the situation crying and very hurt. Turning to God for comfort, I heard a whisper:
“Hurting people hurt others.”
And I realized that the treatment I received came from the pain my friends felt. My heart began to soften, and healing began. Giving my pain to the Lord helped me start the path of healing and gave me a different perspective, enabling me to pray for my friends and move forward, not getting caught in the snare and not repaying hurt for hurt.
Take refuge in the Lord, let Him protect you from the ploys of people, and help you heal from their fiery darts. In God, you can trust.
Thank You for giving us a refuge to run to when people hurt us. Please protect us from the schemes of others and guide us on the path of righteousness with You.