One-minute read.

For he will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
Psalm 91:3
God’s faithfulness and tender care protect us from the devil’s traps. Convincing people he doesn’t exist makes the enemy’s efforts easier. Our world struggles with believing that both the Lord and Satan exist and that spiritual warfare wages around us. Not believing gives the devil a foothold in people’s lives and leads them astray.
“And give no opportunity to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27
Paul tells us not to give the enemy an inch. For example, during my last hospital stay, my heart rate spiked. The nurse who witnessed the event panicked, called the doctor, and did an EKG, which returned normal. But that one event gave the enemy a foothold in my life. Anxiety crept into my soul as I focused my attention on my heart rate by monitoring my Fitbit.
Eventually, after a self-induced anxiety attack, I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to remove the anxiety because it continued to grow. That very afternoon, I lost my Fitbit; recognizing it as a sign from God as the snare that had entrapped me, I didn’t replace it. And the devil lost his foothold as Christ gave me victory over my anxiety.
When we trust Him, God delivers us from the Fowler’s snare. The Lord protects us from the enemy’s ploys, not allowing the devil to get a foothold. Ask God for deliverance, and He will show You the way out.
God delivers us from the Fowler’s trap.
Lord, thank You for delivering us from the ploys of the enemy. Please help us not let him get a foothold in our lives. Search our hearts and cleanse us from within our souls so that we can serve You with our whole being.