One-minute read.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Dedicating your life to Jesus will transform it. The more you pursue a relationship with the Savior, the more your life will change. You will begin to respond differently as you learn about Christ’s teachings and how He responded to the world around Him. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Him. Knowing we need help to transform our minds and not conform to the world around us, the Lord gives us what we need.
For instance, becoming a writer takes commitment. Lots of people talk about writing but never write. When I began this journey, my husband told me I needed to develop a process. And so, I did. Then, every day, I repeat it. As I described my process to a friend, I think of it like crocheting an afghan. First, I decide what I want to do, then I figure out a pattern, then I do it. But without the commitment, I wouldn’t finish the project, and I would never write anything.
In the same way, committing to live like Jesus means we develop a process of following Him and getting to know His ways. The more we complete the process, the more we transform, not becoming like the world but mimicking the Savior. The more I become like Jesus, the more I fulfill God’s purpose: loving God and others.
Journaling Questions:
How has Jesus transformed your life?
What can you do today to develop a closer relationship with Christ?
What area of your life do you want to transform?
Lord, thank You for helping us transform and become more like Jesus. Protect us from conforming to the world around us, leading us to become more like Christ. Help us mimic the Savior’s responses instead of the world.