One-minute read.

Abounding Love
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.
Psalm 86:5
God repeats Himself repeatedly. He promises that all who call on Him will receive His goodness, forgiveness, and love. David knew the truth of this fact, honest about His need for the Lord in His life. We all need the Almighty’s assistance. God didn’t design us to live alone; we need His guidance and others to help us learn and grow.
Love requires action. Out of love, God created the world and filled it with beauty. Out of Love, God created Adam and Eve, knowing people need companions. Out of Love, Jesus came to Earth, born in a manger, lived a carpenter’s life, and then fulfilled His ministry before dying on the Cross and experiencing resurrection so that we could have a relationship with the heavenly Father. Love abounds when you live with Jesus, following Him and applying His teachings to life.
Hope springs eternal in our hearts because God’s love abounds. Pouring from heaven, opening our lives to the Lord allows Him to fill us with His light and share it with the world around us. Love overcomes hate, light overcomes darkness, and with the Lord, He gives us the ability to do both.
God’s love abounds in our lives when we follow Him.
Lord, thank You for Your abounding love that You generously give us. When the enemy tries to convince us of lies, expel them quickly, not letting them take root in our hearts and minds. Let us live confidently, knowing You love us and have a purpose for our lives that only we can fulfill.