One-minute read.

Exemption from God’s Wrath
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
John 3:36
Wrath means God’s opposition to sin; the Lord judges all disobedience. Believing in Jesus means admitting our sins and asking for the Creator’s forgiveness. Those who don’t confess and believe live under condemnation, and God’s wrath remains on them. No other passage in John’s gospel mentions “wrath.” Not a sudden burst of temper, the Lord’s wrath marks His displeasure against sin, and as a result, the non-believer will endure the consequences of their actions.
None of us deserve the blessings we receive from God. The Lord bestows them on us because we place our faith in Him, trusting God for salvation and His provision. When we turn from His ways and live according to fleshly desires, we suffer the consequences of those actions. But the minute we repent and turn from our sin, we get freedom from bondage and exemption from the Lord’s wrath. Unfortunately, some people never recognize the hold sin has on them, refusing to trust God and instead, living in condemnation.
When Jesus forgave the adulteress woman in John 8:11, He told her to “go and sin no more.” As Christ’s followers, we have the same command. Once we recognize our sinful ways, God wants us to stop doing them, turn to Him for guidance, living differently. People who don’t choose Jesus will live in bondage to their sins and endure God’s wrath as a result. The Lord wants none to perish, all to turn to Him and leave behind their sinful ways; when they do, God responds with grace and mercy.
God promises exemption from His wrath to those who believe and trust Him.
Lord, thank You for exempting us from Your wrath when we turn from our sinful ways and follow Jesus. Let no one perish, soften hearts, and help people see their misdeeds, then confess them to You and live in Your grace and mercy.