One minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11, Romans 7:1-13, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 19:22-23
Daily Verse: “The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm.” Prov. 19:23
Safety and contentment.
Resting in God’s will means trusting whatever comes our way; the Lord has a plan. Instead of trying to figure out all the answers, we trust the Maker’s ways.
“If we knew everything that God knows, we would answer our prayers exactly like God does.” Dr. Kim Kimberling
The quote from Ron and I’s marriage devotional fills my screen as a constant reminder of God’s sovereignty. We don’t have all the answers to our situations, but from God’s view, it all makes sense.
Accepting that trouble happens, we will have dark and light days, and that in the end, God calls us home and helps us find contentment in today. The struggles of this world will one day pass away, and we will live in the King’s presence forever.
God’s in control. Rest in His sovereignty, and trust the Lord’s plan. Safety and contentment come when we center our lives on Jesus, following Him and living in His shadow.

Lord, thank You for guiding and directing our days. Help us submit to Your will, despite our circumstances, trusting the plan You have for us. Fill our hearts with safety and contentment as we lean into You. IJNIP. Amen