One minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Samuel 2:22-4:22, John 5:24-47, Psalm 106:1-12, Proverbs 14:30-31
Daily Verse: “A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.” Prov. 14:30
Benefit of contentment.
Envy brings turmoil; desiring what others have makes us not appreciate what we do have. Saying, “It must be nice…” indicates envy. “It must be nice to have a spouse, go on vacation, have a new car….” Without contentment, jealousy can consume us.
Gratitude defeats contentment. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you do have. Don’t compare yourself to the things on your social media timeline. Photos don’t tell the whole story.
Looking at a friend’s happy family photo sparked envy. But later, when talking to her, I discovered the turmoil behind the image and realized that pictures lie. When I see things in my timeline, I remind myself that I only see a moment, not the entire story.
Develop an attitude of gratitude by listing the blessings God’s placed in your life. Rejoice at other people’s good fortune instead of envying it. Tranquil hearts come with contentment, giving life to your bones, but envy causes decay.

Lord, forgive us for envying what others have. Help us focus on our blessings, developing an attitude of gratitude for all You do for us. Let our hearts become tranquil, giving life to our bones. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your good works. IJNIP. Amen