One minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 3:1-4:24, Luke 14:7-35, Psalm 80:1-19, Proverbs 12:27-28
Daily Verse: “In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.” Prov. 12:28
Jesus gives life.
Placing faith in Jesus makes us righteous. We only contribute one thing to our salvation, sin. Death comes from sin, but life comes from Christ. Jesus overcame death when He rose on the third day. Following God’s Son leads us on the path of righteousness, and we no longer need to fear death.
Life with Christ gives us fullness. We can find no other way. Everyone has a God-sized hole in their heart that they try to fill with many things: other people, stuff, money, and work. But only God can make us whole. Following worldly ways leads to loneliness and heartache.
Fill the void in your life with Jesus. Get to know the Savior and let Him heal the brokenness in your life. God knows all, sees all, and loves all. Only Jesus can make you righteous and following Him leads you on the right path.
Walking the righteous path requires us to follow Jesus. We can’t find life eternal any other way. Nothing we do brings salvation; Christ did that for us. Jesus replaces our sin with His perfection, making us new creatures in Him.

Lord, forgive us for trying to fill the God-size void with anything but You. As we pursue you today, bless our efforts. Help us become more like Christ as we strive to follow Him. Let us experience the peace that surpasses all understanding found only in You. IJNIP. Amen