One minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20, Luke 9:7-27, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 12:8-9
Daily Verse: “Better to be lowly and have a servant than to play the great man and lack bread.” Prov. 12:9
Pretense deceives.
Many people spend their time putting on a vain show to impress others. Living beyond your means impacts lifestyle. Stress and anxiety accompany pretense; trying to make people think of you in a certain way doesn’t hurt anyone but you.
“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Gal. 1:10
Living for Christ means caring about what God thinks more than man. Freedom comes when we live for Jesus. God doesn’t look at material possessions; He examines our hearts. Walking in tune with Jesus means others will benefit from our actions.
When loving God and others well become our mission, possessions have no hold on us. Competing with the Joneses means nothing, but caring for others does.
Strive to love others well; nothing matters more than sharing Christ with those God places in our life.

Lord, forgive us for getting caught up in the material possessions of this world. As we move through our day, help us keep Christ at the center of our thoughts and actions. Let us become better lovers of people as we practice Jesus’ teachings. IJNIP. Amen