2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 51:1-53 ESV, Titus 2:1-15 ESV, Psalm 99:1-9 ESV, Proverbs 26:17 ESV
Daily Verse: “Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.” (Titus 2:15 ESV)
PARAKALEO (3870): “The most frequent word with this meaning, lit. denotes “to call to one’s side,” hence, “to call to one’s aid.” It is used for every kind of calling to a person which is meant to produce a particular effect, hence, with various meanings, such as “comfort, exhort, desire, call for,” in addition to its significance “to beseech,” which has a stronger force than aiteo.”[1]
Call to one’s aid.
Titus’s central duty meant continually teaching practical instructions to people. Meeting people in their faith journey and helping them move forward with applicable lessons helps them grow spiritually.
Reading and applying the Bible’s teachings intimidates people. Before I read scripture regularly, I misunderstood the book’s message. The story of love and redemption within the pages of God’s inspired word becomes evident when you read it.
Help understand.
Titus’s mission and ours teach others how to apply Christ’s lessons to their lives. As we learn more about Jesus, we share it with those around us. By doing so, everyone grows together.
Recently, I ran into someone who caused me extreme pain with their words. Without sincerity, he apologized to get in my husband’s good graces. A friend who heard said, “You’re a Christian; you have to forgive him.”
Applying Jesus’ teaching to this situation, my friend’s not wrong; I have to forgive, and I did long ago. But I also know the person’s heart and words didn’t match, which means he’s not truly sorry. Therefore, I forgive, but I maintain boundaries that don’t allow him to repeat the offense.
Following Jesus requires daily inspections of our hearts and minds. Allowing Christ full access cleanses us from within and helps us discern the world around us. Applying Biblical principles to our lives helps us grow as we pursue Jesus wholeheartedly.
Let Jesus guide and direct your steps as you grow closer to Him. Help others learn how to pursue Christ by leading the way with your actions. Ask a trusted friend or mentor to help you discern when in doubt. In all things, put Jesus first, and He will lead you in the way everlasting.
[1] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 190) Thomas Nelson