2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Jeremiah 33:1-34:22 ESV, 1 Timothy 4:1-16 ESV, Psalm 89:1-13 ESV, Proverbs 25:23-24 ESV
Daily Verse: “Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness;” (1 Timothy 4:7 ESV)
MUTHOS (3454): “That which is a simple account which attempts to explain reality; yet is unreal and fabricated having only the appearance of truth, not truth actually contained therein. It primarily signifies “speech, conversation.” The first syllable comes from a root mu-, signifying “to close, keep secret, be dumb: whence, muo, “to close” (eyes, mouth) and musterion, “a secret, a mystery”; hence, “a story, narraetive, fable, fiction.” The word is used of gnostic errors and of Jewish and profane fables and genealogies, “fables”, in 1 Ti. 4:7.”[1]
Unreal and fabricated.
Myths abound in today’s world. When God created humanity, He placed a God-sized void in each of us. Three-fourths of the world try to fill it with things other than the Lord. But nothing can fill the void but Jesus.
Solomon talks about chasing after the wind in Ecclesiastes, things we think will satisfy us but never do. I spent the first half of my life building my resume, always striving for the next promotion and larger paycheck. But then my sister died from ovarian cancer, and I realized my misguided efforts.
Reality check.
My sister’s passing gave me a reality check. No one cares about my resume, but they care how I make them feel. Because of chasing the wind, I missed spending time with my sister. Her death caused me to re-prioritize my life, leading me into a more fulfilling lifestyle as I prioritized people over position.
Everyone tells themselves a story; we create narratives in our minds based on our limited knowledge. Reality checks help you see the myths you believe and refocus your eyes on Jesus.
“It’s so beautiful,” said my sister as she transitioned to heaven. A lifelong follower of Jesus, her words encourage me in my walk. One day we will meet again, but until then, I know her soul rests well with Jesus.
God exists, and only He can fill the void in your soul. Connection with the Lord will give you life to the full. Embracing Jesus and the truth of His teachings will help you discern the myths you believe and replace them with God’s truth.
[1] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p. 168) Thomas Nelson