Spread the love

2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 24:1-33 ESV, Luke 21:1-28 ESV, Psalm 89:38-52 ESV, Proverbs 13:20-23 ESV

Daily Verse: “Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box” (Luke 21:1 ESV)

DORON (1435): “Means to give and is used of gifts presented as an expression of honor, for the support of the temple and the needs of the poor, offered to God.” [I]

Bless God.

Gifts from God come in many forms: money, talents, time, health. Giving out of abundance doesn’t sacrifice anything, but God notices when we give our all. Jesus saw the widow give everything she had, and He commended her.

Offering our gifts back to God blesses Him.  God gets the glory when we illuminate His light to the world. Using our talents to love God and others shines a flashlight into the darkness, bringing hope.

Discovering our gifts takes time and effort. Tithing, giving ten percent of our first fruits to God, can apply to more than money. We can give away our time and possessions to those in need.

Jesus gave all.

People take for granted how much Jesus gave for them. What cost us nothing cost God everything. As a practicing Christ-follower, I’ve heard the resurrection story repeatedly. Truly grasping the torture and humiliation Jesus endured for my sake didn’t happen until I became an adult. Understanding brings humility as I think of my sins that Jesus bore in agony.

You will never outgive God; He’s already given more than any of us ever will. Honoring our Creator by using the talents He gave us to serve others blesses Him. 

Discover your gifts. Honor God by using them to draw others to Christ. Jesus notices our offerings, large or small. God knows the sacrifice that comes with the gift. Without a doubt, God will bless you when you give all.

[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p.74) Thomas Nelson

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