2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Exodus 26:1-27:21 ESV, Matthew 25:1-30 ESV, Psalm 31:1-8 ESV, Proverbs 8:1-11 ESV
Daily Verse: “Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.” (Matthew 25:2 ESV)
MOROS (3474): “Primarily denotes “dull, sluggish” (from a root muh, “to be silly”); hence, “stupid, foolish.” The word means morally worthless, a scoundrel, a more serious reproach than “Raca”; the latter scorns a man’s mind and calls him stupid; moros scorns his heart and character; hence the Lord’s more severe condemnation.”[I]
Avoid foolishness.
Lack of preparation leads to regret. Today’s parable compares five young girls preparing to meet their bridegroom. Five of them took oil for their lamps; the others didn’t. Jesus called the unprepared girls foolish. When the bridegroom came, they didn’t enjoy the feast because they had to buy more oil first. The silly girls missed their chance to unite with their love.
Jesus’ story portrays a powerful lesson. We must prepare ourselves for Christ’s return. One way or another, we will reunite with our Lord. Either our natural death on the appointed day will lead us into Jesus’ arms, or His return to earth, we will meet Christ. Both require preparation. We need to learn to wait well.
Prepare for the Opportunity.
Placing our faith in Jesus and believing He will return begins the journey towards heaven. Each day we’re on earth, we must wait well. Knowing when our life on earth ends, we will stand before God and give account for our lives, which spurs us onward.
As I age, my body hurts more. Since I pray for God to bless my husband and me with long life, I wait expectantly by taking care of my body, God’s temple. Looking ahead to my eighties, I hope to remain active, playing golf and tennis all my days. To achieve that dream, I must take care of my body now. Therefore, I’m becoming healthier daily by walking, regulating my food intake, and practicing yoga—all things which will prepare me for playing tennis when I’m 80 someday.
Waiting well for Jesus means accepting His presence in our lives. We keep our lamps full by spending time with Him daily through God’s word, each day growing closer to Him as the Holy Spirit takes control of our life. Heaven and earth meet when our hearts connect with Jesus through His Spirit.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p 169) Thomas Nelson